How Traditional Marketing Is Replaced By Digital Marketing To Get Advantage?

Marketing is that factor of business which can never be ignored. A businessman will set a separate budget for marketing only. If marketing is the main factor of business, then the customers/ consumers are also the base of marketing because marketing is for customers/consumers. Now a days digital marketing takes the place of traditional marketing because of so many reasons like cost-effectiveness, generate better revenues, built brand reputation etc. Digital marketing provides equal opportunity to every kind of business whether it is small or large scale business even the start-up takes the help of digital marketing to promote their business.In today’s business world digital marketing is very important to implement even we can say any business whether small or large or start-up takes an initiative to be the active part of online marketing because it creates a great impact on customer/consumer mind and in return result profit maximization. Digital marketing also provides good career opportunity. The statistics show that it offer 8 lakhs jobs in very first quarter of 2017.

The largest job portal of India i.e. announced and advertised near about 13,000 job opportunities for digital marketing professional in the year2018. Prime minister of India has also come up with the idea of digital India which acts as a promotional campaign for digital marketing. Adapting digital marketing as a career option provides a lot of advantages to youth like massive job opportunities in the industry, start freelancing services, professional blogger, flexibility, higher-paid profile but sometimes digital marketing certification must be required by some companies. Most of the companies use digital marketing because the internet user increases day by day below report show the statistics of internet user in the country.

So digital marketing is a good source to promote the business or product to the customer/consumer. There is no secret in this thing that digital marketing is constantly in a state of flux. What works today might be completely obsolete tomorrow that means a business will have to update with the latest ways of promoting their brand their business. There are lots of sources of digital marketing or promoting a product online. Search engine optimization, pay per click, viral marketing, content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, influencer marketing, mobile phone advertising, affiliate marketing are some sources with the help of which product can be promoted online.

An increase in competition between the companies regarding promotion of the product, increase in sales, and awareness about the product can be done easily through online mode rather than offline mode. Through digital marketing companies will prompt their product nationally as well as internationally but it seems to be difficult in traditional marketing. In digital marketing company can also get the viewpoint of people regarding the product which helps them to update the product according to people’s choice. But this is not possible in case of traditional marketing so we can say that digital marketing replaces traditional marketing in so many things and it’s an era of where people want each and everything in a quick mode and digital marketing helps the people to find out each and everything want quickly or in a short period of time. So we conclude that digital marketing gains a competitive advantage over traditional marketing. 

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